
Yesterday, a 19-year-old girl named Lara al-Sayegh, along with her mother, both Palestinian Christians, fled Gaza with the intention of seeking refuge outside Gaza Strip.

Yesterday, a 19-year-old girl named Lara al-Sayegh, along with her mother, both Palestinian Christians, fled Gaza with the intention of seeking refuge outside Gaza Strip.

img_20240427_202209_5835515617032634905177-1024x1022 Yesterday, a 19-year-old girl named Lara al-Sayegh, along with her mother, both Palestinian Christians, fled Gaza with the intention of seeking refuge outside Gaza Strip.

Yesterday, a 19-year-old girl named Lara al-Sayegh, along with her mother, both Palestinian Christians, fled Gaza with the intention of seeking refuge outside Gaza Strip.
Their home was destroyed during the Israeli Genocide, and they were displaced, taking shelter in the church. After walking for hours in the scorching sun and passing through an Israeli checkpoint, they both suffered from heatstroke.
The girl died, and the mother woke up today from unconsciousness. She was buried in al-Zawayda

कल, लारा अल-सईघ नाम की एक 19 वर्षीय लड़की, अपनी मां, दोनों फिलिस्तीनी ईसाई, के साथ गाजा पट्टी के बाहर शरण लेने के इरादे से गाजा से भाग गई।
इजरायली नरसंहार के दौरान उनका घर नष्ट हो गया और वे विस्थापित होकर चर्च में शरण लेने लगे। चिलचिलाती धूप में घंटों चलने और एक इजरायली चौकी से गुजरने के बाद, वे दोनों हीटस्ट्रोक से पीड़ित हो गए।
बच्ची की मौत हो गयी और मां आज बेहोशी से जाग गयी. उसे अल-ज़वायदा में दफनाया गया था

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